JAV: She sat on the bowl, pulling my pants down with her
Reality. I was late for the red-eye from Philly to San Francisco, and was dismayed to see a long line of people waiting to go through the metal detector. "I, uh, have diarrhea
. . She seemed amazed that he opened the door for her
JAV: She sat on the bowl, pulling my pants down with her
Reality. I was late for the red-eye from Philly to San Francisco, and was dismayed to see a long line of people waiting to go through the metal detector. "I, uh, have diarrhea
. . She seemed amazed that he opened the door for her
JAV: She sat on the bowl, pulling my pants down with her
Reality. I was late for the red-eye from Philly to San Francisco, and was dismayed to see a long line of people waiting to go through the metal detector. "I, uh, have diarrhea
. . She seemed amazed that he opened the door for her
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